
iBooks - Gloria Giménez portfolios.

TV interview "Atención obras".

VEGAP Image Bank - Digital archive - Glòria Giménez

The old neighbourhoods of Lisbon as seen through the windows of the trams that traverse the city. The reportage in black and white that conveys the sense of restlessness that the fados introduced in the 1920s. The photographic reportage of the trams was published in Literatur in Krefeld, 1993.

A biblical definition of marketplaces. Fish markets in Crete and Athens in Greece. The lighting in the market and the gleam of the fish scales mingle in contrast with the black and white. “Velvety blacks mixed with silver silks.” Black and white. 7th Photographic Spring, 1994. Galería Antonio de Barnola.

Reportage in black and white. Everyday life in Cuba; in its streets and its peoples. Shown here, taken from this long photo-reportage, are “Ink Stain,” photographs of Cuban children leaving school at the end of the day, and the photo-reportage “Red Room,” which looks at Cuban shows: a reportage shot in the dark world of cabaret dressing rooms, in which the subject’s deprivation is evident, and of the performances themselves on stage, in which feathers and sequins feature prominently. Barcelona City Council. Casa Groga.

Close-up portraits of men and women of diverse ethnicities in Senegal. The strength of their gaze and their visual connection with the camera are evident in this reportage in colour. Barcelona City Council. Casa Groga.

African tribes in Senegal. Reportage in colour taken during an African tribe’s rites involving fire. Crack, Barcelona.

Children and mothers with their babies strapped to their backs. BonaSport, Barcelona.

Entirely in black and white. A study of a creative process. A year observing the production of a play, from the first reading through to opening night. Villarroel Theatre. Exhibition room. Barcelona.
Photo-reportage on the men and women of the falla ‘Grabador Esteve-Cirilo Amorós’ of Valencia. The classic costumes worn by the participants in this famous festival in Valencia served as a medium for the interpretation of Velázquez’s maids of honour and other figures painted by Goya. Well-known families in Valencia granted the photographer access to their homes so that she could take photographs of them while they were dressing and conducting the rituals associated with their attire. The photographer gave permission for her photographs to be sold. The funds raised went to the Valencian branch of UNICEF. Gran Casino de Agricultura. Valencia. Villarroel Theatre. Barcelona.
Photo-reportage that is part of the collection on the Arab world. Published in various travel magazines.

1991-2001 “SYRIA”
Ten years of looking at the other shore of the Mediterranean, the Near East. A reportage, a journey of initiation, that begins in Jaffa, the oldest marine port on the Palestinian Mediterranean, and continues via Orthodox and Catholic churches and mosques until reaching Syria, Damascus and its souk, and finally, to Palmyra and its ruins. European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) of Barcelona. Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Madrid.

2004 “SYRIA”
Published by Editorial Lunwerg, Barcelona. Photographs by Glòria Giménez and texts by Fernando Arrabal and Glòria Giménez.

Photo-reportage in progress begun in 1995. Images of the desert in Dakar in Senegal, Tunisia in North Africa and in Syria in the Near East.
Photo-reportage in progress begun in 2002. Images of Arab women.

Photo-reportage taken in Barcelona during the war in Iraq. The citizens’ demonstrations altered the look of the streets, and with this change the icons that define the city were given a life of their own. Snowflake, the albino gorilla, formed an emblematic part of the reportage. Presented at Visa pour l’image. Perpignan.

In this report, the duality of psychology and photography provides an interpretation of a reality, a universe familiar to the photographer in her own city of Barcelona, its neighbourhoods, streets and buildings all empty, as if the tumult of the metropolis had vanished. Silence as a means of expression, a non-verbal communication, of doing things without stridence. Barcelona, a city for the peace, has broadcast its message from its balconies, a truly Mediterranean means of expression.


Photo-reportage in progress. Fictionalized photo-reportage. Taken in Egypt from 2000 to 2003. Black and white intermingle with colour.

2005 “Library of Alexandria”
Photo-reportage in colour on the occasion of the celebration of the 2005 Year of the Book in Barcelona. Exhibition presented as representative for ‘Amics de la Unesco de Barcelona.’
2006-2007-2008. "La piel de las piedras". Un viaje por el Próximo Oriente. 15 años de fotografías realizadas por los países de palestina, Israel, Líbano, Siria. Exposición fotográfica itinerante por las ciudades de Damasco, Barcelona, Gijón y Sevilla. Catálogo de fotografías y textos de Glòria Giménez, editado en 5 idiomas por editorial Lunwerg: Español, catalán, francés, inglés y árabe. Instituto Europeo de la Mediterránea. IEMed. Barcelona, en colaboración con las instituciones de las ciudades de la itinerancia.
  1990-2010. En preparación. "The Holy Land". Viaje por Tierra Santa. Exposición fotográfica en blanco y negro sobre yacimientos arqueológicos y monumentos cristianos y musulmanes desde Jerusalén a Egipto.
2010-2011. The International Environment Photographers Association. International exhibit IEPA. Gloria Giménez IEPA profile and gallery.

2010. Exposición colectiva "Proyecto OFNI", Objeto Fotográfico No identificado. Galeria VALID FOTO BCN.

2011. Exposición "Viatge a l'orient Bíblic". Organizada por: IEMed i l'Abadia de Montserrat (Museu de Montserrat) con la colaboración del Museu d'Història de Barcelona. Lugar: Capella de Santa Àgata, Conjunt Monumental Plaça del Rei, 08002. Barcelona. Del 15 de abril hasta el 26 de junio de 20

[2011]. "Virgins". Imágenes de vírgenes de Sevilla. "la dolorosa".
Símbolo de las madres llorando por la muerte de sus hijos en las guerras.
Fotografías en blanco y negro reelizadas en Sevilla durante La Semana Santa donde las vírgenes visten sus trajes de duelo. Las fotografías realizadas como retratos humanos con enfoques teatrales impresionistas.sobre papel algodón 100%.


© 2006 Glòria Giménez